BoOks lOvER- rOMaNCE+tHrIlleR+MyStErY OR AnyThinG i CaN gEt My hAnDs On!! <# FoLlOw Me.
Such a light read. It is a short novella with a beautiful story of finding oneself and trying to get back the love you lost. Cambri wanted to explore the world, discover new opportunities outside the town. In her dream she ignored the love she was getting from her Best Friend Jace Sutton and in this event she breaks his heart when she disappears suddenly. Now she returns and realizes how incomplete her life is. But is Jace going to give her a chance or the spark and chemistry between them will go to waste again.
It is a Clean Contemporary Romance and after all the paranormal thriller genres we read it is a good break to relax. The characters are sweet and the feelings are shown in a vivid and picturesque way.
It is totally recommended to the readers of every genre.