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Currently reading

Saving the CEO (Entangled Indulgence) (49th Floor Novels)
Jenny Holiday
Four Chambers
Julie Wright
Fear Nothing
Lisa Gardner
The Fault in Our Stars
John Green
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher
Things I Can't Forget
Miranda Kenneally
Heat Wave, Premium Edition (Nikki Heat, Book 1)
Richard Castle


Pretty Woman: Isabella - Jamie Brook Thompson

(The Copy of Book For an Honest Review)
I liked the story of the book but it needed a lot of improvement both in the story and the characters. there were no twists or turns in the book to keep me on the edge. i just was in hurry to finish the book and reach the end which was very predictable. i still wished a little more from this book. but all in all, it is a good and lighthearted, clean book for passing the time.